wholesale candles

Wholesale Candles


Handmade Candles with passion and love from Turkey. 

We make these beautiful candles meticulously with hand to beautify your living spaces in your homes and offices. Our special soy and paraffin made candles are there to cherish the air in your living spaces to give your body extraordinary sense of calm. 

Our craftsmen meticulously make these products, package them nicely and deliver them to you. Our production varies according to the quantity you will buy.

All packaging is recycled as we care about the planet.

Prices can be adjusted according to the number of orders.

Handmade Candles with passion and love from Turkey. 

We make these beautiful candles meticulously with hand to beautify your living spaces in your homes and offices. Our special soy and paraffin made candles are there to cherish the air in your living spaces to give your body extraordinary sense of calm. 

Our craftsmen meticulously make these products, package them nicely and deliver them to you. Our production varies according to the quantity you will buy.

All packaging is recycled as we care about the planet.

Prices can be adjusted according to the number of orders.

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